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Pink Carnations & Yellow Roses Bouquet

Pink Carnations & Yellow Roses Bouquet
Pink Carnations & Yellow Roses Bouquet

Limited Delivery within Katmandu Valley.
Eligible for same day delivery if the order is placed by 12:00 pm NST.


Send this mesmerizing bouquet consisting of 5 pink carnation and 5 yellow roses bouquet with cellophane packing to your loved ones and amaze them with surprises.

*Disclaimer- Due to seasonal availability of flowers and other unpredictable situations, not all the products shown in the picture can be in stock. On such occurrences, the amalgamation will be substituted by flowers of equal or higher value, while keeping to the original design and style as much as possible.

US$ 13.99
  • Stock: In Stock
  • SKU: YRB-FNP-042

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